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Costanzo’s Physiology

Block 2

Costanzo’s Physiology textbook (currently 7th edition) is considered by many to be the Bible of block 2. The  four systems you will cover in block 2 are cardio, pulm, renal, and GI. Costanzo’s Physiology has chapters for each of these which align closely with lectures. There are also associated AnKing cards to each section in each chapter which is very helpful. The textbook is free for Mizzou medical students on clinical key, accessed through the SOM library website, so only buy it if you would prefer a physical copy. 

It is worth noting that many students find the lectures to be challenging block 2. Both authors of this used Costanzo’s Physiology as the PRIMARY learning resource in block 2, using the lectures supplementally rather than the opposite. This strategy was successful for the authors of this page as well as the majority of students we’ve spoken with. That being said, use this strategy at your own risk, and exercise your better judgement. Dr. Linda Costanzo is not the one writing your exam, so what the block director wants you to know may differ from her textbook. Usually the Costanzo content follow closely, but things may change.